Someone’s got a case of the ‘Mondays’

Last week everyone was sick with some sort of cold/flu going round, but we all survived.

It’s a rather blah day. My 4 year old had a fit on the way home from preschool today because I wouldn’t take him to the park-it was wet from the rain we had all night and all morning. He screeched all the way home. It was good fun.

I had a nice twenty minute walk to myself yesterday. Normally my walks are with the two little ones and a double-stroller. Yesterday however, someone I had met was having some website trouble. She was being charged 75.00 for a year of hosting but the host would ONLY allow her to create a site via dreamweaver. She was not allowed access to a control panel of any sort, and she was also charged 36.00 for a domain name. *sigh* Needless to say, dreamweaver isn’t a super simple starting point for someone who just wants a basic decent site online.

I told her I could have a site up and running for her in minutes, and I went over there and did it. (k, total process was probably more of a half hour… but I talk alot) I simply got her a domain name (my favourite domain sellers BareMetal -cheap, and based in Western Canada ) and then added her domain to my hostgator account. Did a one-click install of WordPress and tada!!!!! Done. Now today she is happily playing on it, uploading her beautiful artwork. Yolanda Bee Creations

So, back to my walk… it was quite lovely walking over to her place while the sun began to set. There is one oak tree in particular that was whispering loudly to me as I passed.

Sometimes the wind will move a tree in a particular way, it seems like it’s JUST that tree that has caught the breeze…hundreds, or thousands of leaves all rustling individually, creating a chorus of conversation that moves me almost to tears.

This tree was behaving in just such a way. I responded accordingly. It makes my heart sing when the trees do that. I can almost imagine the ‘Burning Bush’ scene of Moses. The Spirit moving through the foliage. Entering my heart through the doorway of the tree.

Thinking about that lifts my mood quite a bit. I’m glad I decided to write it.

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